
Monday, March 14, 2011

Japan.... Help our friends out in one way or another.... some cool ways to support!

This is tough to look at & we're all that much closer with technology. I haven't personally put anything together yet... but these people have and I want to push as many people there as possible.

Here are some fun ways to donate and/or get some cool stuff out of the deal!

I will be updating this post to bring together all the links to auctions or other cool ways to give back to these people! If I don't have your whatever you're doing to raise money for this cause... contact me!

Gorilla Mouth: Kaiju for Japan
Friend's eBay auctions going to the relief effort
Another friend's eBay auctions going to the relief effort....

Alright contact me if I need to add yours!!!

By now I'm sure all of you have heard of the terrible destruction that has rocked Japan. I also know that some of you have probably already ..."


  1. those images reminded me of parts of New Orleans after hurricane Katrina.
    what's with all these earthquakes lately? first Haiti, then New Zealand and now Japan.
    hey, i got an unrelated question for ya. how'd you find my ROM blog if i may ask?

  2. Must have been a common follower on my blog. Trying to connect as many people as possible!


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