
Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Stone Legacy! Just one of the things that's been on the table....

I've had this project on my table for what seems like a lifetime...  In my defense I took it on just before getting a job that moved me to another state & the job/state/life change that happened made this project get shelved & slowly worked on over time. I started sculpting on it a bit & figuring it out before we even had a house here. This is what I would do to unwind after work in the transition period.
Next I had to get some equipment for a more professional setup once we got settled. Then I was experimenting with plastics and additives and techniques for casting...

Meanwhile... over at The Stone Legacy camp they've been been tirelessly working on getting the comic book out and doing all the stuff that goes along with that so nobody's shown up to kneecap me YEAH!

We are still working out the details. Basically I am doing a treatment on this piece how I envisioned it to present & we will go from there. This piece is bigger than stuff I have been doing on my own for awhile & is more of a bust than anything.

Nothing to show as far as the resin piece as I haven't shot it yet and I kind of have to see where we're going as far as a treatment or colorway.... but I guess I can quick find a shot or 2 of the original sculpt...

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