
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Custom Painted Nama X Nilla X Imperfecz Keshi!

Only a handful of these available... Fully painted blind, bagged and carded release. Only 10 in this release. $20 each or 2 for $30.

The NamaKeshi were kitbash/sculpted by Nama Niku & then cast in a nice dense flexible rubber by Eric Nilla...  Eric sculpted & cast the Splatterhouse Rick.... then they had a paint incident with me.

These were seconds so some imperfections in the cast/cleaning exist. This is also why I can offer them for basically the painting cost. Want some awesome rubber toys sans paint? Try Eric's store here!

To pick up a single blind pack go here, double here.

Shot of the gang all together here...

And the breakdown of the release....